The Agency may obtain details, description, photos, … of a property calling the request inventory function.




    <lodging_country>iso3166 </lodging_country>
    <lodging_surface>integer (m2)</lodging_surface>
        <description_id>integer </description_id>
        <image_width>integer (pixels)</image_width>
        <image_height>integer (pixels)</image_height>
        <room_id>integer </room_id>
            <image_width>integer (pixels)</image_width>
            <image_height>integer (pixels)</image_height>

Check-in and check-out schedule:


There can be up to 3 check-in and check-out schedules.

The first one will always be free, with <price>0</price>. The other one or two can, and usually will have, a price.

Cancellation policies:


There can be up to 3 cancellation policies.

Terms and conditions / descriptions:


  <description_id>integer </description_id>

There will be as many nodes as languages in the PMS.


  <image_width>integer (pixels)</image_width>
  <image_height>integer (pixels)</image_height>

There can be up to 48 photos.

Each photo will be send in the biggest size.

The sizes can be: 2100x1575px, 1400x1050px or 700x525px.



The amenities will be a boolean true/false for each one.

The list of amenities for each category can be found here.

The <room_equipment> node is inside the <lodging_rooms> but, for vacation rentals properties, this will be the lodging equipment as well. It is separated in another node for the hotel property type.

Payment schedule:


There can be up to 3 payment schedule nodes.

The most usual configuration is 2 nodes: one at_booking and another at_checkin. But there are Property Managers that have a more flexible configuration.

The <schedule> options can be: