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nonAvailableCheckin and nonAvailableCheckout array:

Before adding the Datepicker routine, we have previously created 2 arrays, one with the arrival nonavailable dates and another with the departure nonavailable dates.

Here is an example of how we can create these arrays, using the Calendar function:

Code Block
Dim property_id As Integer = 1001

'Variables needed for the logic:
Dim arrivalDaysNotAvailable As String = ""
Dim departureDaysNotAvailable As String = ""
Dim minimumStays As String = ""
Dim dayBeforeAvailable As Boolean = False

'Reading the Calendar WS for the next 12 months
'Here we will create 2 arrays, one for arrivals and one for departures, where we will put all the unavailable dates:
Dim cson As String = icnea.Calendar(property_id, Today, 12, Funcions.Empresa, Funcions.Password)
Dim css As Object = New JavaScriptSerializer() With {.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue}
Dim c As Object = css.Deserialize(Of Object)(cson)
If c("Calendar").length > 0 Then
  For i As Integer = 0 To c("Calendar").length - 1

    If CBool(c("Calendar")(i)("available")) Then  'available days
      dayBeforeAvailable = True
      If dayBeforeAvailable Then  
        'it is the first unavailable day of the interval
        'unavailable days for the departure calendar 
        departureDaysNotAvailable &= """" & CDate(c("Calendar")(i)("date")).ToString("dd/MM/yyy").Replace(".", "/").Replace("-", "/") & ""","
      End If

      'unavailable days for the arrival calendar
      arrivalDaysNotAvailable &= """" & CDate(c("Calendar")(i)("date")).ToString("dd/MM/yyy").Replace(".", "/").Replace("-", "/") & ""","
      dayBeforeAvailable = False
    End If

    'minimum stay
    minimumStays += c("Calendar")(i)("minimum_stay") & ","
End If

'We delete the last character for each array, which is a comma 
If arrivalDaysNotAvailable.Length > 0 Then
  arrivalDaysNotAvailable = arrivalDaysNotAvailable.Remove(arrivalDaysNotAvailable.Length - 1)
End If
If departureDaysNotAvailable.Length > 0 Then
  departureDaysNotAvailable = departureDaysNotAvailable.Remove(departureDaysNotAvailable.Length - 1)
End If
If minimumStays.Length > 0 Then
  minimumStays = minimumStays.Remove(minimumStays.Length - 1)
End If

'We add the arrays in this variable that will be the script that we will add before the Datepicker routine:
Dim datePickerArrays As String = ""
datePickerArrays &= "<script>"
datePickerArrays &= "let nonAvailableCheckin = [" & arrivalDaysNotAvailable & "];"
datePickerArrays &= "let nonAvailableCheckout = [" & departureDaysNotAvailable & "];"
datePickerArrays &= "let minimumStay = [" & minimumStays & "];"
datePickerArrays &= "</script>"
